Press Release Summary: is being built by Dev4India Foundation to provide a common platform for all active participants in India\'s Social & Economic Development.
The platform intends to provide News, Media, Analysis,Directory, Case studies, Blogs, Forums, Chats & lot of communication tools to stakeholders of India\'s Development sector. It is meant to be one stop solution for their information needs.
Press Release Body: Its on the occasion of Republic Day of India, 26th January 2008, a dedicated team of sensitive individuals from the IT and Rural Development background jointly launched a service on web to build a better India. All the stakeholders of the development sector can be befitted out of it in any way they expect to be. Its going to be a platform for a beginner to age old persons of this sector to share and learn, also take better initiative because of that. The team working day and night, is hopeful to deliver a updated, need based platform, so that all taking the help of it or contributing to it can take the next leap in their career or achievement process. This will be the most interactive and user friendly platform for article, blog, news, chat, photo sharing, video sharing, case study, projects, funding etc. Its going to be the friend, guide and mentor for all who are committed to build a better India. The global community of development professionals are all invited to make it happen.